Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Era of Technology, But What about The Human Being..

In the era of science modernization experiencing tremendous growth fierce with exhaled sense of  rationality and the spirit of high multiplication ,knowladge has resulted in technology that helped many people in the daily life , let's call electricity ,telephone,computer or some sort of automobile transportation , all of it has been a lot of people in the people daily life, indeed with the reality of world is getting smaleer,
only with a few second we can access information come from a thousand of miles away, without having to move from my seat ,let alone the presence of the mass media can help connect the communities in the world.

the rule of education as a means and information and it cannot be denied, micro media industry is dominate by non-muslim who considered a theat to existance of tradition and values of the benifits couz the media is controlled by the indusrty they tend to propagate the values and traditions that ooposed and if it's not immendiately respond to damage the next generations. Current ,technology is very good for the progress of development in this globalization era,but the advance of technology era now is uncheked have an effect not only on the mere knowlage of the era ,but more than the emergency of the tools and information transport.Computers have revolutionized the contemporary human behavior it's time with an easy and fast human can communicate with other people,even from places that many humans even able to do the job simultaneously with the aid of a computer many activities which was needed change of body from place to place , now it was only resented by technology, it's said in the past if we will be communicate by the other human we have to look for them and meet by face on face,and if they was living at far place,we have to prenetrate a journay during some day buutt this reality is turning back now ,all of foolish act was doing yet,whatever talk about technology and the spread of information will'nt apart from internet.
   yess.. internet the world was not odd for everybody especially for young generation who always associate with the luxurius world of technology ,internet was could gotten everywhere we have been with an own a mobile phone which found the conection of the internet as capital,internet was found easily by the mobile phone every corner city we found the shop which sell the internet service , or world without the end that everybody mention it,i think it's not so believe but what many to said it's indeed the condition , by there the internet access of information delivery which there in this world can take easily like return a hand or make the blink eyes.
  much information so abundant there everythink information in this world can found by internet world , so what the relationship with young generation..? young generation is who was suspectible to change around they will follow better think in this area of internet as possible as have  t to change in their time which will choose where will they work in positive direction or negative direction,daily activities of teenager always associate will be perfective more to change information around it couz it usually and known the information up till that known the information more than than the other but teenagers have an iclination at negative mind they will be pasive becouse they can helped by easily and information from internet whatever by arriving facebook,instragram,google +,twitter ,whatsaap,skype and etc.

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